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Cuanto más conectada esté tu compañía, más cerca estarás de poder ver, decidir, actuar y prosperar. Echa un vistazo a estas empresas conectadas (nuestros clientes, nuestros héroes) y aprende de los éxitos de su transformación.

                    Lyreco: Automatización de la cadena de suministro con IoT

Lyreco ha reducido las situaciones en las que se encontraba sin stock y con máquinas fuera de servicio con Cumulocity IoT. La mejora de los procesos reduce los costes. La solución de IoT se puso en marcha en tan sólo dos semanas.

                    Kiabi: Transformando el retail aún más rápido

Para seguir el ritmo en un mundo de moda rápida se necesitan soluciones omnicanal aún más rápidas. En el caso de Kiabi, esto se ha visto impulsado por los procesos totalmente digitalizados, los sistemas informáticos perfectamente conectados y las API de fácil acceso para sus partners. La agilidad está de moda esta temporada.

                    Hyundai: Impulsando las ventas de automóviles con la integración

Para gestionar sus 750 concesionarios, Beijing Hyundai Motors necesitaba una forma sencilla de hacer un seguimiento de sus clientes y del inventario de automóviles. La pieza que faltaba era una plataforma de integración que pudiera mantener todos sus sistemas sincronizados.

                    Airbus: Taking flight with process excellence

Airbus Defence and Space requires precision in everything they do. This is made possible by continuous process improvement, using ARIS as its business process management system. The company is also achieving greater visibility and insights for its IT landscape evolution and optimization by using Alfabet.

                    Generali: un pionero ágil en IT

Para mantenerse en la cima del competitivo mercado de los seguros en Alemania, Generali está duplicando las inversiones en digitalización para aumentan la transparencia. Esto no sería posible sin un hub central que gestione toda la cartera IT.

                    Europe’s largest private university goes cloud

Migrating to the  cloud—a big project that was sped up by the pandemic—gave Europe’s largest private university the flexibility to scale with demand.

                    MoT: From mainframe to mobile

Going from on-prem to digital isn’t always easy. Yet the Israeli Ministry of Transport (MoT) addressed the digital transformation challenge without sacrificing its reliable IBM Z system and custom application. See how webMethods made it possible.

                    AAFMAA: Investing wisely in digital transformation

No rip and replace for AAFMAA. See how the association leverages core systems without changing code, reduces operational costs by more than 50% and satisfies a new generation of customers.

                    Israeli Ministry of Labor: Faster help for those in need

In times of crisis, there is a need for speed. Yet the Israeli Minisitry of Labor used mainframe applications and paper forms that were taking up to six months to process. The ministry used EntireX to open up the process to anyone with an Internet connection.

                    TASE: Modernizing a stock exchange

The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE) needs to compete for Israeli companies to IPO at home instead of going abroad to the biggest, most powerful exchanges in the world. They do so with Adabas & Natural, and NaturalONE.

                    Georgia-Pacific: More than just paper savings

Moving from legacy systems to modern, cloud-based ones doesn't happen overnight. And in the meantime, Georgia-Pacific found a way to get information and reporting out of its legacy infrastructure so business can go on - even in times of change.

                    Fabick Cat: Constructing a data warehouse 

When Fabick Cat acquired a new dealership, they needed to marry two legacy systems to keep business running - IBM AS/400 and OpenVMS. They turned to CONNX to make the connection and to connect its data.

                    Delaware Courts: Unlocking the mainframe

In a state where there are more legal entities than people, the court system needs to constantly streamline. Their verdict? Use the reliable legacy systems they can trust, but find a way to make them accessible through an integration platform.

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