Gartner: Ensure Your API Management Solution Supports Modern API Trends Such as Microservices and Multicloud 


Your API management solution needs to be ready for the next wave of applications - ones built on microservices, event-driven APIs, hybrid/multicloud, and productized APIs. However, it may be easier said than done. These technologies that provide flexibility to how apps are built also introduce complexity in how apps are designed, implemented and governed. 

In this report, Gartner explores how to manage your APIs like a modern enterprise. Discover how to:

  • Find an API management solution that supports microservices
  • Include support for event-based APIs
  • Align your API management architecture to your cloud strategy

Read the report, with our compliments.

Gartner, Ensure Your API Management Solution Supports Modern API Trends Such as Microservices and Multicloud, Akash Jain, Paolo Malinverno, Mark O'Neill, Bindi Bhullar, 30 April 2020 

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