Bank of Ireland

                Setting the gold standard for operational excellence

Keith Bohanna, Bank of Ireland’s head of Group BPM Standards, knows that there is huge potential in operational excellence. He and his team are focused on creating a central repository and methodology behind the processes that drive the way the bank operates. By taking a transparent, data-driven approach to process excellence, his team has exposed insights and created efficiencies across the bank.

Using ARIS, Keith’s group has become the “gold standard” of process data. This means that for the first time ever, the bank has a single source of processes that inform, for example, the end-to-end customer journey. This level of insight into the customer experience has never before been possible.

Similarly, the team has brought a new level of process and operational excellence to the Risk Group, which is responsible for maintaining a database that defines risks and controls for the entire bank. Historically, this database has been neither consistent nor centralized. With ARIS, the Bank of Ireland has “a much cleaner and more defined view of [its] risk and control framework and landscape.”

Watch the full video to see how Bank of Ireland is using ARIS to improve its operational excellence.

How does ARIS support operational excellence at Bank of Ireland?

If we were to talk about how ARIS support Bank of Ireland in the context of operational excellence, For the first time ever the bank will have a repository of processes which have been recorded to a consistent level of detail into a consistent methodology. So we now have the ability analyze and improve processes by applying efficiencies and data to what we do.

What are the benefits of using ARIS?

In terms of the benefits of using ARIS – we have been able to have agreed within the bank that we are the gold source of process data. So for the first time ever, we have a single source of all processes both siloed and processes that run right across an end to end journey across the bank. So for example if you were to take customer experience, never before have our colleagues in customer experience been able to understand the complexity of a customer journey and now they can for the first time, which is a tremendous benefit.

What problem has ARIS solved and what value has it brought?

If you were to look at one of the specific problems that ARIS has solved for us within the group, you would have to look within the specific area where ARIS has been applied, which is within Group Risk. Specifically, we have a risk repository which is a database of all the risks and controls within the bank and within that colleagues across the divisions were asked to define their processes and then the risks associated with them. But those definitions were inconsistent and not guided centrally.

So the application of ARIS and the development of the process repository will allow us to have a much cleaner and more defined view of our risk and control framework and landscape.

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